With the frequency of online meetings continuing to increase, you have probably spent a great deal more time looking at yourself than you did when you were alone at your desk. With quick glances in the mirror during the day, most people are checking their face and teeth. At home, you may be committed to a facial care routine that leaves your skin glowing and camera ready for every meeting. But with so much focus on your face, have you taken the opportunity to examine your neck? If your routine care and treatments have not included this delicate area, it may give away your age.
What Happens to the Neck as We Age?
Just like the rest of your face, as you age, the neck muscles under the skin relax and the looser skin is subjected to the forces of gravity. This loose skin can develop into folds, unfortunately known as “turkey neck,” since it resembles the skin beneath a turkey’s beak. Even if your skin is not in turkey territory, it may still have developed significant wrinkles or deep horizontal lines, a side-effect of our lifestyles of looking down at keyboards, devices and even books.
How Do I Correct My Neck?
If your face and neck do not match in age, you are not alone. It is a common phenomenon to overlook the neck. While traditional facelifts may correct the top of your neck near the jawline, they will not address the neck itself. For a proper neck makeover, neck lift surgery will tighten the entire neck. When considering a neck lift, there are other procedures that can refresh your face for a completely rejuvenated look. Facelifts and neck lifts are often performed together, but they can also be completed separately. Like a facelift, a neck lift’s goal is to restore a natural, youthful and toned appearance to the area.
If you are noticing the signs of aging in your neck, or if your neck does not match the youthful tone of your face, contact the office of Dr. Munique Maia today to explore the facelift, neck lift and other natural-looking enhancements available to you.
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8100 Boone Boulevard Suite 730 Tysons Corner
Tysons, VA 22182